Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brooma broomama, Gagaga!

Baby baby hello helloo hello, hello?

Lol i'm talking to a fish.
Okay hey guys.
Today i'll start off with my religious class updates.
Hmm, yesterday i didn't get to blog cause i was busy and shit.
But today hell yeah im in!
I'll update on my religious class first.
Well today, i tricked an old man.
By old man i mean a bus driver.
And trick i mean cheat.
And cheat i mean i tapped the ez link and it burst a loud sound and said no credit left pay cash and i didnt pay cash.
And by that i mean on my way home.
And by on my way home i mean i bought an icy mocha soya milk before going home.
And by before going home i mean at 4 45 after i alighted from that tricked bus.
HAHAHA OKAY SORRY i'll stop it.
Okay so i tricked him, he smiled, didnt get the trick, hu-ha.
Stupid ass.
Okay i went to my religious class at about 1.10, i was almost 5 minutes late but which devil in hell cares.
I was punctual and not early nor late!
Hmhm so i went into class and oh syahiddin and amir wasnt there.
Amir the fag.
Just kidding though, its just a joke.
We call him fag everytime.
Like asking for a pencil.
"Hey fag you got a pencil?"
Yeah sure he'll get hurt emotionally but in the end he'll still give the pencil.
So don't give me no bullshit.
Okay then syahiddin is our class guy remote control.
Probably cause he's the eldest among guys and probably most matured too.
He controls irfan, that white ass crazy bitch.
Irfan is a real pain in the ass sometimes but when you're on the bad side he's really a boost.
On the good side, you'll just be beaten up somehow.
Emotionally physically gaysically.
Or stupidically.
Or whatever.
Okay so i went to my religious class with only less than half of all boys present.
But irfan was there.
So i had fun when the teacher went out for a while then got bored again when she came back then i had a headache and bullshit and went home.
Before i went home, on the way me and irfan went to this night market which sold his favourite ramli burgers.
So after we bought those bullshit we went to the bus stop to catch the bus.
And that's when i cheated the old man.
I already continued the story just now, so uhh i'll go on with something else.
So my religious class times is over, I'll proceed to lets say THE END of this post?
HAHAHAHAHA guess you guys weren't expecting that.
But what can i do?
Okay i forgot.
I just found my hardcore favorite science teacher and maths teacher, named Mrs Chang and Miss Kang.
YES, people from Europe, these people are chinese.
So live with it cause they're my favorite teachers.
ANYWAY i just seen this video, "Lady Gaga undresses LisaNova..." and i heard this song they made, "Free witch".
Okay the song didnt have a title, i made it up so yeah.
Okay so i need to update you guys on something.
There's a friend that turns enemy, enemy that turns friend.
Strangely though, for me and the Awesomes it happens at the same time.
I wouldn't name them here.
But i have a feeling, just a gut feeling, someone's turned on us.
I dont know.
I dont observe behavior, i observe attention.
Much like a bat which screeches and when the screeching bounces on a surface the bat knows exactly where that surface is.
I have a feeling, one of us actually is trying to turn each other hostile.
This person is alone.
Not many friends around her, a lot of friends are far away.
Hopeless bitch.
I hope you realise that without us, you are nothing.
And even if you succeed in the conspiracy, know that i do not need you that much anyway.
But anyways, why am i suddenly so epic?
Okay lol i dont usually blog about something like this but, it leaves me no choice but to leave a warning.
And what better place to leave a warning than your friendly neighborhood blog?
Hahaha, so now everyone knows this blog isnt just about me.
Its about my life, and how it revolves with things that happen.
Much like a gossip diary.
But less wrong...
Unless you consider those times where i sai-
I just formed a Group with the first original members.
I, personally, named it the Color Gruppe.
I was told not to make a group cause it may cause group fights.
But nahh.
I mean we always go together, hang out together, do stuffs together its like, people are already making group names in their heads and in between gossips.
Yes, i am interschoolly famous, and whoever hangs out with me gets the umbrella, and whats more, they already are carrying an umbrella of fame!
Its like barack obama, S.R. Nathan, Solsilo bambang yudhyono was together in a car talking about life.
Yes, we're in the vanity club.
Touch me, t-touch me baby but dont mess up my hair (ohhh ohh ohhh)
Okay turn it off before i get horny.
So, you guys were asking for it, here it is, and if you dont mind, im gonna work on last week's post.
So yeah, till the next time, farewell!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 2011!

Well hello there!

Before i begin with the social networking post, i need to start off my new year eve's blog!
It's been 2 years!
3 cheers for me!
Okay no, first of all 3 cheers is for sarcastic dumb blondes, and i do not, want dumb blondes reading my blog.
It creates a bad impression.
Imagine a blonde, an already dumb white girl with golden dumb dead barbie hair.
Reading my blog.
Eeeeekrgh :/
Okay, no discrimination, and happy new year everyone!
Happy new year to you blondes too, if that'll make you happy.
I know, it's a little bit too late for the new year celebration.
But come on even the chinese celebrate new year on february, and us muslims celebrate the new year in last 5/6/7/8 december 2010.
It's either too early or too late.
I dont know.
Anyway random notice but sorry i haven't been blogging, i would have done it but i got sick everytime i want to.
Oh yeah i just recovered from some sickness who combined forces (Sore Eyes, Flu, Fever, Cough, Sore Throat) against me.
Oh well, i just recovered so read on!
Hmm so i also wanna make an announcement.
You know who's Ira Natasha?
Hmm well she's one of my readers, and also one of close friends!
She's a faithful reader, as told by herself :/
So i'm making this opportunity to announce her on this blog post!
The Social Network.
Something that has always entertained us.
Entertained me, if not any of you :/
There's Formspring for questions, Facebook for your friends, Blogger for your pouring daily life complaints and experiences, Tumblr for idiots, Omegle for porno perverts, and all other shit like that.
Where people ask, tell, and answer.
Negative, positive, stupid questions.
Doyouhaveamum questions, doyouhaveadad questions, negative questions.
Whatdoyouliketodo questions, wannahangout questions, positive questions.
Areyougay questions, areyouaboyoragirl questions, stupid questions.
Hmm, so that's all there is for Formspring, besides the anonymous people and their bullshit :/
So besides questions Formspring is basically nothing.
There was this question which asked me what is your youtube story?
And i was like get lost fag!
Cause one day, me and my friend Dino (She's really named Dino but we call 'er Dinie the Popularity Immigration, we're all about equal opportunity up in here!) went to see my youtube accoount and my videos, and she saw one of my videos "The end part 2" and yes it was crazy, and she put it up on facebook!
That asshole.
Sure i like when people acknowledge my videos but not a crazy ass one like that.
That one is just plain "whatithoughtwasgoodstuff".
Now i dont think like that, ever again!
So Twitter.
Something that i always loved.
There's Voldemort cracking jokes, and with his pictures that look like noseless bullshit, and stuffs that entertain.
There's Shane Dawson and his video updates.
There's Brittani Taylor and her cute voice.
And other bull shit like them.
Its just good, though i wouldve thought they could improve on the speed on which i can tweet :/ it lags sometimes.
So there's the Twitpics, a place you can retweet pictures or publish them for your own self.
Or even pornography :/
Hmm so literally, Twitter is a perfect world, i couldn't agree more!
There hasn't been any bully cases on twitter has there?
No, so its safe!
So Facebook.
Something our friends get on to meet us.
Post on walls, comment on pictures, like a video, share an ugly photo of yourself, and shit like that.
It sometimes doesnt work out though.
It seems as if to not be random on your statuses was wrong :/
I dont know, randomness is what makes facebook great and enjoyable.
And its fan pages and like pages with love quotes for emo faggots, ohh some of them understand us like a song!
Like this one:
"I imagine things that will never happen in real life"
I do, dont know if you dont, dont care if you do, shut up.
So its a place for a lot of conflicts and also for its reknown minahreps (girls known for reputation - the bad ones) and matreps (guy version of minahrep) who slipped in to this uninvited domain called facebook.
While they already had enough on friendster!
Which is, by the way, starting to get boring.
Wait, it already is boring.
So boring, that no one ever goes there anymore.
From happy face friendster, to sad face friendster.
I hate friendster and how it makes me hate them.
So those minah and mat reps are like flies from a malaysian food court who got on the tourist bus back to singapore.
Except in this case the flies are the reps, malaysia is friendster and singapore is facebook.
Anyway, bad things aside, lets talk about how useful it is to us.
Not very useful, but it lets you keep in touch.
Except those stupid dontknowhowtousetheinternet faggots.
Facebook is like : What's on your mind? Stupid Faggots are like : *slams head on keyboard and goes to sleep*
See what i mean?
Stupid ass.
All like them do exist in this world unfortunately.
So it's like stupid because:
1)Why are they on the internet?
2)Why are they so full of bullshit?
No, why are THEY bullshit?
Okay moving on.
Something i personally like myself, its convenient and it doesnt have fucking REBLOGS WHICH OVERTAKE YOUR BLOG POSTS AND MAKE IT CONFUSING!
I hate tumblr personally.
My friends all use Tumblr, and i dont care then my friends are all idiots.
No discrimination!
So blogger, isnt it convenient that you can just type out your daily experiences or monthly experiences on it?
Okay i know tumblr also have those they even have special "quote quoters" as one of the blog posts which makes tumblr better but NO.
Maybe blogger should change the logo "B" to a picture of a brain - personally because blogger is for people with brains.
Okay so lets move on.
We're on the last 2!
This one's my favorite - not - : Tumblr.
Tumblr is basically blogking of fashion but nahh, that's onsugar.
Tumblr is just a stupid place where you reblog stuffs you think are nice.
"Stuffs" include unprofessional stupid quotes, vans products, and all bullshit like that.
There are also pictures of girl lips, those kind of blurry picture which look like the camera just had smoked some marijua and was still high when it took the picture :/
Okay to be fair tumblr does have the good things.
A simple "New post" on blogger becomes "post/quote/pictures/videos/audios" on tumblr.
Its separated so that its easy.
BUT other than that it just sucks.
Okay so the last one, OMEGLE!
A place where dino brought me.
Also a place she hates sometimes cause she likes to use the webcam to show her body.
ONLY TO FIND there are guys who also do that and freak her out so she restart another conversation and does the same.
But its not all about the body.
Sometimes she even meets up with some fierce left out girl who believes in her own intentions and interests and doesnt care about what people think.
Just like me, to be frank :/
Or people who are gonna kill themselves, people with no life, guys who masturbate in the camera when she switches it on, and stuffs like that.
I for once met one girl who's 15 and i was like WHERE AND WHAT'S YOUR FACEBOOK?!
But she said nahh, i only use facebook for people who i know in real life.
Oh so i'm not real enough for you?
So Omegle was a mix of perverts and sweet innocent people.
2 extremes which dont mix well but still do :/
So the internet is full of bullshit and things that also make you smile :)
Nahh, i'm just fucking with ya.
Switch on the website and watch that woman break her ass with a dildo, hah.
But seriously.
It IS full of people who are extremes, people who are too evil and people who are just so innocent the slightest touch from her kills you.
So on my advice, surf carefully, for those who dont have an account from anyone of those, go ahead make them.
I'll only give you my youtube, gmail, hotmail, and twitter!
Okay so thanks again to Ira for reading this blog, i should thank you some day ;D
So Surf carefully, have fun, love you guys, will miss you all, bye!

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