Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Thank Youhh for Ama Liza aka Lizzy

Wow !

Thank youhh lizzy !
OMG , i wanna thank youhh soo much !
I waited a long time before someone actually said i hate youhh !
Gawwdd , Youhh an idol !
Thanx yeah !

Loves ,
Bitchy Ash - Eredar

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Get some food ! LOOONG post guarenteed ! :D

Okayy so hie .

Todayy as usual ( actually not ) I was checking Kaq Dina and Kaq Nina's blog .
So i was bored dat tyme , as pretty usual ( candid ) .
So i was a bit encouraged to blog , like lmfao .
So i blogged .
And i created this " Mdm Mangkok " 
Cuz it reminds me of someone funny .
Like lmfao ! Rotffl .
Like , hell yah , she's so damn funny .
Just like always i was giggling to myself , .
And then i found a comment by Wannswayy ( not his real name )
And it was so unrealistic .
I mean , guess wat ?
He asked whether i was finding faults with him .
He told me he would make me cry .
So so unrealistic . ( say this quickly , monotonous . )
Omg Im gonna cry !
How many tears ? 
A fucking river god damn it !
Ohh no !
Why ?
Youhh even laugh at urself when youhh get hurt ! 
So ?
Its funny if youhh really DID cried .
How do youhh know if my tears was fake ?
Fake as plastic between diamond . 
Ohh youhh so smart ! 
So ?
Marry me !
Too bad , ure attached .
To wat ?
My bottom .
Ohh .
Kay stop lahh . 
So youhh know , i rarely DO cry ( Change topic btw )
Unless youhh know the other day me and the 6/1 6/2 gurls were crying ,
But dat is another story .
I was even sad ! 
When Dina actually said " ahh , okay . " 
When i asked forgiveness from her .
Wow dat easy .
Not as pie though . 
Or ABC or 123 or fuck with me and youhh get an STD .
So we see , he might be thinking i was really interested .
But nahh , big deal .
He would lose anyway .
So todayy it was really funny .
I was travelling with Kaq Aisyah , 
And then we found ourselves buying books 
And how funny is dat ?
Well not odinary books but school books .
Not odinary school books but Religious school books .
Not odinary Religious books but Andalus Religious Books .
Okayy now we know it !
So after dat we boarded a bus , went home but halfway through my sis says she goin down .
So there we have it .
Hmm dat aint rite .
Ohh yeah i cant blieve this .
I mean , Razwan is like so desperate .
Thinks im going to pick up a fight for every single word i say .
Now dats pretty lame - o .
Yeah i aint wanna post so short so imma talk about these lamers .
So its like omg youhh round rotting bastard running around like a whore !
Hmm dat dosnt sound right . 
Didnt came as bitchy as i tot it would :D 
Well , he did seem round anyway .
Nahh he dosnt .
But LMAO ! 
I cant imagine him being , well , tall and muscular .
Except for the cute relationship he had witt afiqah mistress .
So who cares he's pretty funny , and how i say cute ??
And guess wat ?
I wuz about to write " He's my enemy so why am i sayin these shit ? "
But i stopped , and i reminded myself of Diina First Mistress .
I mean , okayy pardon mistress !
She might read tis shit . 
So i wuz sayin , She wuz pretty , how tuh say , lame , as in . . . .
Okayy , remember dat damn time we were fightin witt this gal called Aini ?
Dat wuz funny huh !
So she was bein a bitch , screamin likka bitch who got a dick in her cunt , like . . . 
" Ehy ! Muke Haiqal ( like tis , like dat , . . . . -.- lame -.- ) "
So i wuz sooo fascinated . 
How lame and wat an easy opponent to find faults with .
And Cant blive it !
Diina Mistress wuz like a bit lame and sayin shit like . . .
" I dun want youhh to tok bad about my enemy " 
I wuz almost like 
" WOW ! Is this like some mexican joke ? An epic story between " good and evil " ?? "
" Where they have Mannoroth and his arch enemy Cenarius battling ! "
Wow . 
Dats a bit fucked up . 
So My young First Mistress thinks all to herself lols .
The enemy belongs to all !
How can she say dat ?
Lols .
And so , its like Mistress wuz so arrogant . 
Or . . . 
Is there a budding romance between Haiqal the Ancient and Diina Mistress of Discipline ? 
Ohh well forget it . 
He's attached to Razlynn Young Lady anywayy .
Ohh well made my fuckin point .
Hmm . . . . .
Is there something amiss with the Dark Lady ? 
I mean , she aint acting right . . .
Like there's somthing amiss .
Ohh btw . . . . . .
The Dark Lady is Nurul Isnina ,
The Three Nathrezim is Nurul Isnina , Izzah Sorfina and Seri Syarianie 
The Royal Lord is Muhd Haiqal ,
The Young Lady is Razlynn ,
The Mistress of Discipline is Iffahdina ,
The Mistress of Torment is Nurul Atiqah ,
The Vile Temptress is Siti Aishah , ( DONT EVER SEARCH THE DICTIONARY ON TEMPTR . !)
The Madame of Peace is Seri Syarianie ,
The Queen of Suffering is Izzah Sorfina ,
The Holy Maiden is Nur Shahira , 
. . . .
And . . . . . .. 
Dats all for todayy ! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Interview with some of our various Comedians .

Well , there it is . 

Ohh sorry i was just saying hie .
I feel so enthralled today !
Im bolstered !
This ... is the last irritating post containing Azshara's name .
And the rare bitch's name .
No more her means my will is my own !
Dont youhh like freedom homie ??
So here's the beginning , fool . 
Im just as happy as a bird ! 
Purposely i said bird to make youhh think dirty .
So wash it clean , dutchy mexican . 
And todayy i said to Aishah ,
The Eredar is sick of these games , 
youhh will be mine !
Not sure if dat purple blue bitch knows wat i meant .
When i say youhh will be mine means youhh are gone !
Hhahs , didnt seem right enough . 
Damn youhh we cant have youhh running around breakin bitch's toes !
Its so obvious she's pretending to be a sis .
She just wants people to think she's older than them , 
Not for love for siblings . 
Well , there is no cure for me for what ive become ,
So i'll just enjoy myself being this way ;) tsk ;)
And yeah , honestly , this is wat Kaq thiah says :
Kaq Thiah : Well , she looks like she malas nk layan .
Me : Youhh raite , but hw do youhh explain this ??
Kaq Thiah : She first says hey adek buat perh ??
Me : And hw does dat link ? 
Kaq Thiah : Then nnti dher mls nk layan .
Me : Ohh guess wat dat happens to me somtimes . Glad we interviewed youhh . THX !
So applause later we have a fight going on . 
Its between me and A second Comedian .
Here Goes :
Me : ... Ohh stop sending dat damn virus !
Ama Liza : *keeps her mouth shut*
( Virus comes again )
Me : Damn youhh youhh dare test my patience ??
Ama Liza : Wott ? ( dont ask me wat it means  )
Me : Look , i dont have time for this nonsense .
Ama Liza : Im not ur fren dats the way youhh have been treating me
Me : Dat isnt treatment , woman !
Ama Liza : Then wat is it ?
Me : Im not ur fren dats wat it is 
Ama Liza : Okay so we not frens now 
Me : Look if youhh gt nthg to say then leave !
Ama Liza : I already did .. before youhh sent me dat thing .
Me : Wat tyng ??
( Long bitchy silence )
Me : If youhh have nothing to say then leave ! DONT WASTE MY TYME !!!
So dats wat it happens ! 
Hmm I should keep some of my conversation . 
They are after all bitchy .
So there we have it for todayy . 
Thank youhh for visiting ! ~~

Sunday, December 13, 2009

B-A-D C-H-I-C Lookin so sexy ...

Ohh yeah hie . Okayyy so we have this mother fuckin thing rolling so .. yeah . Okayy i make no sense . So here goes . Today there was this Wedding , celebrating Nek Seer ' s ( damn ! fuck youhh its pronounced as Si - err ) daughter ' s wedding . So there were this tables , and then a buffeyyt . So there were : 

Cik Jannah , 
Wak Nani , 
Kaq Fizah ( AHH !! ) , 
Kaq Fizah tunang ( pemalu ) , 
and then 
Cik P-E , his daughters 
his elder daughteeeer 's tunang . 
Lots but not yet counted everyone there . Then Kepak sini kepak sane , then aft the kepak bing2s , the couple like , duhh went for pics and then on the youhh know those seats on the altar like a pedestal which had a few steps to reach the ..... PELAMIN !! Pelamin , yeah , 
pelamin . Huh sorray  . So i gave my hp to kaq Aisyah who then gave it to Kaq Fizah who then took pictures of thay couple . Huhu pretty ayy ! I wonder if i was the one sitting on half of the pelamin and another woman on the other half ..... nopes ! No dreaming . An irritating and lame person like me ( :P ) wont get to get married or even have actual relationship ( s ) . Okayy we move on . So i went to sit next to my PSP - crazed nephew and niece to see wtf they were doin . Ohh no hell no they were playing their own Psp ( s ) . My nephew was playing WWE while my niece was playing the Ghostbusters game . So there we have it . I 3/4 finished my food , which was Briyani rice topped witt both daging , ayam and fish nuggets witt tomato sauce . I forgot to eat for 2 full days , i was over stressed . ALL BCOS OF DAT BITCHH !!! Damn her my pain . Honestly im not as happy - go - lucky - fairy as youhh thought so long ago . Now i feel 
corrupted ! Anguish ! Anger ! Pain ! And some tears . Didnt know a god forsaken damned woman like Kaq Aishah could leave me this way and especially mean so much ! Okayy i'll xplain later . Okayy so after dat i found Kaq Nina Beloved ' s hideout . Know the playground below housed in a void deck ?? Where there were Kaq Wana kaq Ser Kaq Ina and BR ?? Yeah dats the area . So i took the bus stop nearest to dat void deck and took 241 . Tuhh JP then back home . Witt Kaq Aisyah ! So the tyme lyne goes back to now , my blog post . 
Okayy , about Kaq Aishah . Wat i have to say ?? She's such a bitch . I used to be so Obsessed witt her . Then this obsession turned to hatred . Well , she was being too nice and forgiving ! Always leaving me in the lurch ! I mean , hw the fuck did she got to this ??? Always siding witt others , all her lies , her poisonous words , her fake " love " for her little brothers and sisters and whoever the fuck she betrayed ! BETRAYER ! BACKSTABBER ! Youhh whore ! I will be damned before i side with her again ! I feel relieved , at least i got a medicine for dat sickness last week . I dont want to cough blood and risk myself again . Okayy , my post ends here . Till then , Farewell !

Who can where the road goes ?
Where the day flows ....
~.....:: Only time :: .....~

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another dayy ? As if .

Ohh care , so im writin tis post . Its almost 11 : 00 pm .. Still wide awake ! And so there was me here , who yesterday watched Twilight New Moon witt my crush ( who came first after i did ) , kaq Aishah and our bestest friend and agent to the Eredar . Ohh care i need to tell youhh about this god awful god damned kaq aishah . She's a betrayer , an affront to everytyng the Eredar stand for . Okayy , new contact card .

Description :  A Bitch to the Eredar , she has
been known to traitorously sides with others 
to overcome the Eredar . She is no longer 
considered an Eredar Mistress due to her 
exile pass .
Ranking :  Exiled Mistress

So we carry on ;) tsk ;) Okayy . Ohh i forgot to tell youhh about the Eredar ! I cant tell youhh about it , merely describe it as a group of survivors , but i may tell youhh its members .

Description : Known to have formed the 
Eredar with unwilling members , he has been 
known to hate backstabbers , and is particularly
able to detect any form of backstabbing , a true 
master of the Eredar .
Ranking : Master of Hierarchy 

Description :  A worthy woman of no bounded 
knowledge , she has been known to escape 
places with secrets to be told . Known to every 
rumor and every secret , she now has enough 
knowledge to exact her point of vengeance ,
if only her loose ground does give her no pause .
Ranking : Mistress of Terror

Description : A strong woman with an even 
stronger hold in her ground , she has been 
known to be rarely , or perhaps never , 
defenseless . Extremely promising and rash .
Also known to be nice sometimes .
Ranking : Mistress of Pain

So there lemme continue . So we went to watch Twilight , soon after buying the tickets . So we got into our seats , with me falling asleep and half oblivious to the advertisements on screen . So Fatin woke me up , and then i was like " what ? " . So i woke up and asked her whether she tried to touch me . She said no and then ohh i was like " dont lie .... freaky ass " . So the movie started and there was a hot girl with part of her cleavage open to be seen . And also a hottie in the movie called Edward Cullen was there too . Soon it got epic . Werewolves fighting vampires , and also the vampire family was full of hot guys and especially women . WoOtWoOt ! SEXY ASS bitches . So we went to McDonalds i didnt eat a thing except for ama liza's leftover lettuce with mayo . and finished up the leftover drink . Youhh see , im more adept at eating leftovers rather than eating a whole food . So there we have it , we split ways i went home and they went to Chamelon or smthg . Ohh yeah , i boarded the wrong bus . 198 . im supposed to take 240 but took the wrong line . Huhuu . Okayy so smthg happened . And there we have it , the end of Friday . ;) tsk ;) nice !

A message for youhh Outlanders ;) tsk ;)

I hate resorting to violence .
People who hate me may die .
I also hate Backstabbers and betrayers alike . Ephemera should die .
People who want to be nice and forgiving will be HATED !
Understanding me is the only gateway to your heaven , so please dont judge me
I will place vengeance upon those who JUDGE ME like i am fuckin damn stupid
Youhh have been warned !
So , interested in me ?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Uhhhh HaHaHark

Hahahark . Hiie ppl . Today , 
i mean , this week , 
i had a terrible but NICEEE mood . 
And as always , bitchy ! 
I love myself . 
Im playin bitch witt ppl who play bitch at me !
Aint dat cool ? Like wtf ??
Yo enufffo dat back to the beat . 
So there's me , and this person who asked me for forgiveness - without reason .
Well there is a reason actually . Nahh its not strong enough anywayy .
SOoo , i thought it might be ciiut if i said 
But instead it came out as :
Could i say no ??
And hey hey hey im wats happennen .
I change topic . She really vex me like as if she sex me . Eeeurghh .
Disgusting . Im havin sex witt a centuries old beauty queen ! 
Yeah she's pretty cuz she herself is the Queen Lady Azshara herself . 
Like if youhh havnt notice ive been saying ??
Which litterally means , bitch , : Q-U-E-E-N A-Z-S-H-A-R-A
I wonder why i keep saying her name .
Well to be honest as a human rather than wat ive BECOME ...
She is Aishah , the descendant of Zuraimi !
URRK ! Yeah .
We've established dat now .
So pop dat pop dat jiggle dat fat , 
dont stop gettin it till ur clothes get wet .
Get it ??
Fyne then !
Cn youhh be a sweetie and pass this msg ??
Ohh before youhh answer or say anytyng , THANK YOUHH !
If youhh do this i owe youhh a favor ,
So post it on my tag board to tell me youhh did it .
Okayy the msg : 
To Mistress Azshara aka Aishah Zuraimi ,
Youhh have crossed ur fucken line , hellin bitch .
Youhh changed me into this and youhh shall change me back !
Hell youhh bitch outta ur mind youhh betrayed and backstabbed everyone !
Me , 
Kaq Diina , 
Kaq Nina ,
And everyone !
Bitch ! I hate youhh ! May yo ass fuck youhh youhh bitch !
Remove me of this torment !
Just fuckk off !
I dont want youhh !
Just .... dont make me remember youhh .
Cuz its my problem i hate youhh ,
and its ur fault for all dat happened . 
We must trust tyme to reveal all things .
Now fuck off .
thank youhh !

Friday, November 27, 2009

Selamat Hary Raye ~

Okayy hye ! Ohh , To my muslim and islam and malay friends , especially the ones which i Ucapkan hary raye to at FB , Slamat hary raye ! Okay , just now i went to the Mes - jade Assyakirin to solat sunnat hary raye hajy . Ohh fuck , so many people that were old had strange smells . One had the smell of hot buttered popcorn , another had cotton candy , and some even had bbq and fire smells . Then into the mes - jade . Ohh well , me and daddy gathered at the space just outside the mes - jade . We sat near the front . Then as the Syarahan continued and all the allahuakbar3 i got real bored . I actually missed my secret person admired and Kaq aishah ! So boring . I saw dat this man who sat beside me was fucking dumb . He was sleeping and mumbling . I was almost to tears keeping my laughter and giggles . He was smiling AND sleeping ! And if that wasnt enough he almost bumped into the person in front of him ! Huhu ... I almost lost my iman of kesabaran . And so and so . A lot of mats there . I mean mats as in mats , the other word for small carpets . Lmao also lots of mats , this time the gangsters . All dye2 trying to look cool , act like natural like that . I almost coughed up what i had for breakfast . Lontong rendang and sayo kuneng lmao . So after dat we went home . Play with my laptop and fb . Ohh and yes , smlm seblum kul 12 mlm i sent out slmt hary raye to my malay friends . Starting with my dearest , then kaq aishah kaq nina and then the three and blah2 . So After dat went for friday jemaah prayers . Lols two in a day two in a row wtf . Okayy , again , familiar faces again . I almost choked on the smell .. Then we went to the Basement . Cool huh ? I was hot . That room was nearest to the Jenazah room ! Ohh after dat the allahuakbar2 again . After dat we solat and went home ahh . So when i came back a present was waiting . Macadaemia nuts ! OMG two years since i had one of those ! Was this my bdae ? Ohh , no . But I would sure like one this coming bdae of mine ! So now the timeline comes to now , me typing my blog post . Okayy , enough for todayy Hary raye kayy ? Jagn serdeyh kayy ? syg dher .
;) tsk ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Cool huh ? Dark Venus Persephone made me cry lmao . For no reason ... the song is dedicated to my dear sis ....

To my dearest ~

Ohh well hii . Today it's going to be a post . Call it dedicated , or anything youhh might want to . But first i need youhh all to hear this . And maybe leave a comment to have your say . Simple . Few words . Siblings stay together and love each other no matter how far apart they are from each other . The strongest word is : Siblings . There is nothing in the world that could break them apart , could there ? And even so , all i could do is call and meet up . Are we friends ? I hope youhh dont consider it this way . Even if i dont stay together with youhh , i still can feel youhh . I really am disappointed why all because of a woman who separated us we could not even talk . I doubt my apologies could be accepted . But now i doubt we could meet again . Why is it that we have to be apart even farther ? Now i can only grieve , cry all throughout , miss and nothing more . Why did it had come to this ? Why did i have to take youhh for granted ? I feel so wrong with myself ! And all because of just one woman who wishes we were never born we had to be apart , why ? I need to have reasons . I dont have the courage to live now . With only me and kaq Aisyah . But how am i to when nobody is in the house ? All alone , Crying , missing someone who could never come back . Im too small to live by myself . Soon , i would be all alone . Kaq Aisyah would get married , and me ? Without doubt , i may never make it . Knowing we would be immensely apart , I have to say it right now because , we may not have another day . I truly loved youhh , I missed youhh , I need youhh every second , because life without youhh life isnt worth .

Monday, November 23, 2009

Transformation ?

Heyy . Nice to see youhh all again . Well , actually , i feel rather glum . But there's still something in me , i mean , not that im drained or anything . I missed everyone , including kaq Tiqah , Kaq Ira , Kaq Rina , and especially Adeq Bella . Yeap , ive finally accepted what she said to me the other day . She's lower than me . The title "Kaq" may not seem fit . Hhahs . What about kaq Aishah ? Well , ive finally got better of her . Now i no longer feel crazy for her after all . I seem to feel better now . It's like , I transformed . Into a better person . But wait i dont think so . My sister says perhaps its officially i got more matured . Now i know , we cant keep a friend forever , merely be friends forever . They will have to leave one day . So maybe now i dont think i will see the worse side of things after all . But i must keep in touch . I mean , maybe someone out there might finally say i meant the world to them . And maybe i might accept them . I'm tired of being the opposite . But now only some people may i miss much . Youhh know who . And it's not Kaq Aishah , since i dont miss her that much . Ohh well , till death do us part , okay ? Kaq tiqah , Kaq Ira , Kaq Rina and Adq Bella will be missed dearly . Rest assured , we will keep in touch . Im not sure how long i might hold out next year . Will i still have my friends ? Well , that ,
is another story .

Thursday, November 19, 2009

911 call .

Yeah hie .
(Phone rings . )
911 .
Ahh ! Wtf is wrong with youhh ? Can youhh let me hear the inner voice ? A bit lower ...
Im in a room ... I feel sick .
Yeah so ? Introduce yourself pls .
My name's Jim .
Could youhh spell that ?
What ?? (obviously shock .)
Did i stutter ?
J ... I ..... M .....
Ohh . Your last name ?
McKay .
Ohh , youhh gotta spell that too .
M ....
yeah ...
C .....
yeah yeah ......
K ...
What ?
K .
J ?
K !
L ?
K ! K K K !!!!!
Jim , youhh racist ?
No ...
I could hear that " hey " in your voice ...
No .... . Its k .
Okay . Carry on .
A .... Y ....
Ok .
So could youhh send an ambulance ? Im dying here ...
Ohh , we'll have to decide that . Youhh know i just played Bumper cars with all the ambulance vehicles with my friend Elliot and OHH youhh gotta be there . I mean , we were like BANG ! BOOM ! CLANGG !!! Youhh get it Jim ?? We all got drunk after the party at the club that night . And youhh know ? We had so much fun ! More fun than drugs youhh get the idea Jim ? Ohh man we played till the wee hours of the morning ....
*Jim McKay vomits blood , BLUEKZ !*
PLEASE !!! Im dying here !
Jim , i'll have to remind youhh youhh cant shout . Inner voice please !
AHH !!! *coughs coughs vomits*
Ohh wait ..... i think im okayy .
Ohh well , i guess youhhh got that !
Okayy , Jim , Im in a rut now . Could youhh hold for one moment pls ? Thank youhh . Nature's calling .....
(Silence . Shanaynay goes to the toilet , 20 minutes later .)
Ohhkay . Hie Jim . Went to the toilet brokenhearted , wanted to SHIT but could only farted .
Hello ?
Ohh well , i guess he got that .
(Puts down the phone , but stops halfway , .....)
Ohh sorry Girl !
Ohhh . hie !
Youhh know what ?
What ?
I saved a life !
Youhh did ? Ohh ! Now that's -
Of course ! Shanaynay always does it right ! Yeah high - five !
~End of conversation~

Friday, October 23, 2009

Promises , promises .

Okayy , before my post todayy , Iy want to tell the ppl whom iy chose at FB that the post iy asked to comment on ys the Siblings post . Okayy , for todayy . Kaq aysha , Iy promyse youhh a myllyon stars . Kaq Nyna , The byg blue sky ys urs ! Hehe , gt nthg to do uhh . Kaq Dayah , Iy promyse youhh myself ! Hehehe ~ Todayy iym going to go to the Websyte to proof whether everytyng about Hell gyrl , or more formerly known , Enma Ay . Iy want proof the websyte even exysted at all . Okayy , Whyle we wayt , Iy want to ucapkan slamat hary raye hajy to my fryends and famylyes , namely kaq dayah and kaq aysha . Kaq aysha feels close to famyly , youhh know ? And especyally to the person whom iy admyre secretly ;) tsk ;) ~ I love youhh , and lets kick off the new day wyth a " Night me up with a Shalalalala ,
lala ,
la - la !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hari kebangsaan--

SO long ive never touched this beloved blog of myne........
I miss blogging.
Now,.....Before anything were to happen,
I wanna remember my sis,especially Kak Aishah...
Im like crying.K nvrm.Ok,here goes....
1st)Kak Aishah-My beloved sister,and my favorite!
2nd)Kak Nina-my best problem solver!
3rd)Kak Seri-My motivator
4th)Kak Izzah-My sporting SisterXD
5th)Kak Wana-My most humourous Sis.....
6th)Kak Tiqah-My bestest friend,and sis**
7th)Kak Ira-My 2nd humourous sister,
8th)Kak Sab(Lols)-My most Joking Sister ~
9th)Kak Dina-My most isolated sis-without reason!
10th)Kak Lizzie-My most scariest and Startling Sister......

Then of course,Don't leave out your own adeks no matter how many you have!
Here goes....

1st)Adek Balqis-my most adorable adek,as well as the humourous!
2nd)Adek Saf-My most unsusual adek,........
3rd)Adek Roselyn-My most defendable adek!
4th)Adek Razlynn-My most avoided adek,for no reason to say the least...
5th)Adek Mahathir-My unknown but humourous adek!

And i remember i have 8 abangs...Still important!
Here goes....

1st)Abang Danial-My either best or worst abang,say like sweet and sour!
2nd)Abang Effendy-My most humourous and ever-powerful abang!Also the smartest kick.
3rd)Abang Fadly-My inventor abang who invented the Humour Donkey!
4th)Abang BJ-My most "Wrestling" Abang.....
5th)Abang BR-Also like Abang Danial,Sweet and especially SOUR!
6th)Abang Syuk-Also my humourous abang in the Lyn Class
7th)Abang Raihan-The strongest abang i had ever seen!
8th)Abang Safiy-Immeasurable strength!Ive seen him workout,you get the idea?

Ok...Ive listed them here and now as my most special people.Hope my mistakes can be forgiven and my sins against all of you cleansed.Hope you all may enjoy your own life as special people in other's hearts.May all of you meet a happy life,as happy as you expect.Still,Life can't be that bad,could it??Oh well,Ive said my part.And Specially for Kak Aishah,Do forgive me of all wrongdoings.Thanks for letting me decide for anything i could've never done without you.Also for Kak Nina,Thanks for solving and hearing out my problems i had come across...Forgive me of all things that i have done towards you that you consider wrong.Enjoy your lives,Kakak,Abang and Also my Adeks.Wish you well!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sorry!Sorry!Selamat hari Raye.....

Sorry.........It's a bit sort.Dot.Sorry for the neglect,hey.Very very sorry.I forgot all about the blog.Ok,there's the video.Watch it!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Stupid facts~

Here are ten facts
1. Your reading my comment
2. Now your saying/thinking thats a stupid fact.
4. You didnt notice that i skipped 3.
5. Your checking it now.
6. Your smiling.
7. Your still reading my comment.
8. You know all you have read is true.
10. You didn't notice that i skipped 9.
11. Your checking it now.
12. You didn't notice there are only 10 facts

K lah...
My intention is to write this here before i forget:
Semua resah hati manusiamu
Untuk membagi kisah atas nama cinta
Derai air mata di setiap sujudmu seperti tak pernah cukup untuk menjagaku
Jangan butakan hati menjadi cinta yang semu....oo... Cinta yang semu

Kau hembuskan ayat-ayat cinta untukku
Di sela doa dalam malam-malam yang sunyi
Ampun yang engkau pinta dalam semua keraguan yg tlah meliputi jiwamu
Semoga akan membawa cintamu

Pada diriku dalam jalan dan ridho-Nya
Jangan butakan hati menjadi cinta yang semu...oo... Cinta yang semu

Kau hembuskan ayat-ayat cinta untukku
Di tengah terik matahari dan dinginnya malam
Kau panjatkan ayat-ayat cinta pada-Nya
Melindungi dan menjaga kisah cinta kita...


Hie guys.Hehe!The other tyme i said the wrong lyrics cos that dumbass kid told me that.Now here's my correction:

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e

Baby, you're my shooting star
Ride with me and I'll take you far
Explore the world, and back around
You lift me up, and you hold me down (you hold the crown)
And you make this team
There's no couple like this, king & queen
There's no other couple like, you & me
You're the girl of my dreams, my everything
I love this feelin, your love is healin
I need it, I breathe it
No way I'd ever leave it
I'm so into you, don't what I'd do
Your love is so true
It's just me & my boo

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e

I never thought I'd find another love like this
I'll never forget the first time we kissed (we kissed)
Your body against mine
The touch of your skin, your lips
Such a beautiful kiss (such a beautiful kiss)

My l-o-v-e, she elevate me
She fly & so free, was blind now I see
And without her, now what would I be
Not what I am, but I'd still be a g
I'd still be hype, I'd still shine bright
But who'd be there to hold me so tight
Who'd be there when it's lonely at night
My wife, so right, the love of my life

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e

We're so picture perfect, I can't imagine
My life without you (l-o-v-e)
It's like I'm floatin on air, whenever you're here
Baby come with me and I'll take you there

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e
L-o-v-e, l-o-v-e
L-o-v-e, l-o-v-e

She's so sexy, so cool
She's the baddest girl I seen
I'm wonderin why
I only see her in my dreams
The love of my life,
She's the only one for me
My l-o-v-e, oh my l-o-v-e
(Oh my l-o-v-e)

~Another post,Farewell!~

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Oh my god,Allah the Great.......

Hie guys.Terday,I had a mysterious feeling to check my letters and go online.It appears,however,that this lovely feeling was given by god.It was all because of my dear sister!Heyy,what do you know?I got an e-mail from my sis that i can't copy here.Haish.Too bad.So if any one wants it you can just ask.Afterall there's a chatbox.Oh yes,haha,lol!She told me not to think about neither Hanna or Love.But their actually both the same lol.So this is gonna be a short post again.Kk larh,i've been feeling down and out lately.I can't think properly except when i'm really serious.K larh,Till The Next Post!
~The End~

Monday, August 31, 2009


Oh.Hii guys.Gosh.Its another day again.Oh yes,about yesterday,i saw Ain at JP while i was out buying and repairing something at the same time.Haha.I was just beside her shop all along.Thought want to tegur her but what if i was made a ''paiseh''?Haha.Ok,for today,I loitered with Seri and Izzah and Isnina and Haziq and Atikah (Beraper byk nyerh and aku aderh??).Then we joked a bit-bit and then we witnessed Seri who was drinking water.Haha.WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!?I dunno.Just laughing like everyday else.Btw tomorrow no school;I'm gonna be grumpy.No Isnina and Aishah and Syazwana and even Ama Liza.If you're asking me why girls?Ehk they all my kakak angkat you know!Isnina is 14 july Aishah is 28 may or something but im sure that they are all older than me.Of course!I'm 2nd December.Ok.Even without dogs and assholes and bastards i can't live for a day.lolololololololololololol.Well,refering to Muhammad Ridhuwan Bin Daud of 2009,''Challenges are hard (I think i remembered wrongly) but they are what we live for''.Well,we'll refer to that in this case.Ehk yes I do think this is a very,very short post.But hey,it's still a post!So....In this case,or in all cases,i'd say...
~The end~

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Playing in the rain??

Kk.Hie guys.Today,it was a,well,not to say a horrible one,but....IT IS A HORRIBLE DAY!I'll start from the beginning.Today,i had a madrasah class.I went there using taxi because,well,i was LATE!I mean,i was supposed to be there by 8,in the morning.It may be madness but i got used to it.Everything the teacher was about to teach was all what i already knew before all the other students.Because of that the class was a bit boring.But there was this freaking ass kid who is such an unbeareable pain in the butt.What,an ass.So he kicked my chair and all my books on the table dropped.Darn him!Asshole.He had the cheek to say i was the one doing that to myself.I was crazy.But,fortunately,none believed him.I took this chance and said,....
Me-Jangan purer2 bodoh ah!
Him-Aperh?Ko tu yg bodoh,nk cari pasal....
Me-Why exactly are you so stupid?
Him-What stupid?You stupid!
Me-Stupid dumb ass childish kid!
Him-Aperh jerh.....tkder org layan......
So it stopped.He actually shut up.Ok,after that i went home.Long story short.So there goes a day.Uwaa!It started to rain.I took the 98 bus and went down on the bus stop in front of Lakeside Primary School.Soon,It began to REALLY rain.What i meant was that from a drizzle came a downpour.All my fault for singing Lenka-The show in the classroom.Well,I repeated my singing at the part where they say ''Or i'll smile hard,its gonna pour''.Gosh it came true.Then in my mind i was like,what,keep going faster?Then i fell.Uwaa!Dolat terluper solat.Haha.LoL.Then,I reached home all soaked.No,smart alecks,Not to the bone.To the skin!I even had time to spin and jump around in the rain.Then after all that playing i went back home.This time I was really soaked to the bone.My songkok was like so wet it felt like a carpet when i pat it.Then i went to my room,saw my mom,and was asked to bath.Usually i would say no,but because i wanted to go to school 100%,i said yes.After playing i fought with Ormen Karmen,Dettankarmen,and ZuttanKarmen.On my psp larh.Ormen and Dettan were damn easy.Zuttankarmen killed me in an instant.So when i was playing Muttaqi came into the room.He said that there was no one because my mom went to 'work' and that my VERY LAZY stepdad was sleeping.He also added that he urinated.Oh god.So,to avoid trouble when no one is in the house,i gave him the psp(he knows how to play)and left him there.Gosh he really played hard.Up till umi came home.So i recharged the psp,and played the laptop instead.Been a while since i checked on Restaurant City.Barn buddy has no plants at all.Im gonna do something.Ok then,You heard the boss.
I'm still kicking......
~The end~
(Sebelum cahaya music in the background please!)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another dayy.

Hie folks.Today,i had a rather hungry day.Even if i were to hear you say,''It's bulan puaser what?!'',i would still say the same thing.Because,i ate prata with fish curry for sahur today and i ate only 2 and what's more i didn 't eat any more!Haish.Luckily now its only directly 30 mins or half an hour to buker.Gosh after today we have 21 more days(which isn't very little) to puase!which,technically,means that i'm gonna have to solat 8 rakaat for terawih including withir which also means 168 rakaats!Wow.Hey guys,you know what?A ustadz gilerr mabukk said that one rakaat is 72 days if put into normal daddy day solat.So which means....Gah im not gonna calculate so if you're really nice you'll do it for me as if you're my dog.Ok im not sure where's my spectacles i just asked my mom whether she took it (as she sometimes did)and she said..."Jangan tanyer umi ehk bender2 mcm gini.Ko pergi cari sendiri ko!Tk kuaser aku nk layan"......normally if old peaseants say that to me i'll slap his/her face.I mean,you're not being nice.I just asked;you should answer at least a nice little ''i don't know''.Oh god she's so lucky she's my mom.But my friends will know that one day i'll strike back with karma.BLACK karma.PURELY black.And so,as i was saying before my rude mother cut me in,it was a day of puase.I wish i hadn't listened to my maid about eating prata.Now this month is a month of eating nutritiously(wrong spelling),not eating delicacies that we like.So for example if you really like chocolate and had always ate it in the morning(example no offence),You can't do that anymore because you would die if you did it.Anyways its not enough for your body so even when you're dieting,you HAVE to eat enougheven if it means eating 120 tons of rice.Btw no cereals.Its only for keeping fresh and awake in the morning.Keep that in mind.But should any of you be,like,well,really eating 120 tons,rest assured it'll be lost by the time it reaches 7:09-7:13.No worries!Hey what happened to me?A minute ago about fasting and now about health and food.Haish.I got nothing more to talk about.Playing patapon 2 donchaka now.
I'm still kicking.....
~The end~
(Cindai music in the background please!)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ismail Strikes Again!

Hi everyone.Yes,Ismail strikes again.Got nothing better to do.Haha!BTW,since y'all know who i am,there's no reason to explain.Ok,today,some p5 and p6 students took the Higher Mother Tongue exam papers.And not to forget,today is another day of fasting.Felt really hungry during recess.What an ass.I get hungry at school and headache at home.Ass.Shamira also tried to talk to me.Ewww.Ass.Back to the topic.Ass.Ms Turina gave us no homework today.Cikgu Lyn made me scared just now because i DIDN'T HAVE the Ujian 3.Double ass.Then we got our malay LC prelim papers.I ''so-called'' failed.TRIPLE ASS!!Then we got lectured.We went back to our classes and got back our Composition and Listening and Booklet A.According to Ms Turina,I,Ama liza and some others got the highest.*no ass for this*.After that off to math lesson.Got our papers.OAS,Booklet A,Booklet B and Paper 2.All of them.Guess what?I got D!D for Doctor!!Half-ass.So i was half happy then.Soon,after going through Booklet A,We went home at 1 pm.I didn't went home,same with the others.Went to JP to search for Present for Teachers Day.Met Seri and gang on the way.At first,it was Izzah,Seri,Balqis,Atikah and me.Then after going to Balqis's house to change clothes(i didn't have any),We found Razlynn who had,by the time,changed.*Not a single ass here!*.Soon,we reached JP.We actually went seperately because i was going to somewhere else not on their *Agenda.I searched and searched.Finally made up mind and went to The Icing Room.That was from Kak Dayah's idea.She's not here with us but her memories stay here!Soon,we found BR.Then Danial.QUADRUPLETS OF ASS!hmph.What an ass.A real dynamic super combo ass.I then had nothing to do,the dogs were at Action City,So i went home.I fell asleep on the bus lol.I missed the bus stop so i decided to turn.Didn't care where the dog i am and just made a turn.Woke up two bus stops away from bus stop.APERH AKU CAKAP NIE??Haha,lol!So i came back home at around 3 something,played psp for a while and then i searched the net.And here i am writing.I mean typing.So here's a cheers to another day,
~the end~
(Kepak2bing2 in the background please!)