Ohh yeah hie . Okayyy so we have this mother fuckin thing rolling so .. yeah . Okayy i make no sense . So here goes . Today there was this Wedding , celebrating Nek Seer ' s ( damn ! fuck youhh its pronounced as Si - err ) daughter ' s wedding . So there were this tables , and then a buffeyyt . So there were :
Cik Jannah ,
Wak Nani ,
Kaq Fizah ( AHH !! ) ,
Kaq Fizah tunang ( pemalu ) ,
and then
Cik P-E , his daughters
his elder daughteeeer 's tunang .
Lots but not yet counted everyone there . Then Kepak sini kepak sane , then aft the kepak bing2s , the couple like , duhh went for pics and then on the youhh know those seats on the altar like a pedestal which had a few steps to reach the ..... PELAMIN !! Pelamin , yeah ,
pelamin . Huh sorray . So i gave my hp to kaq Aisyah who then gave it to Kaq Fizah who then took pictures of thay couple . Huhu pretty ayy ! I wonder if i was the one sitting on half of the pelamin and another woman on the other half ..... nopes ! No dreaming . An irritating and lame person like me ( :P ) wont get to get married or even have actual relationship ( s ) . Okayy we move on . So i went to sit next to my PSP - crazed nephew and niece to see wtf they were doin . Ohh no hell no they were playing their own Psp ( s ) . My nephew was playing WWE while my niece was playing the Ghostbusters game . So there we have it . I 3/4 finished my food , which was Briyani rice topped witt both daging , ayam and fish nuggets witt tomato sauce . I forgot to eat for 2 full days , i was over stressed . ALL BCOS OF DAT BITCHH !!! Damn her my pain . Honestly im not as happy - go - lucky - fairy as youhh thought so long ago . Now i feel
corrupted ! Anguish ! Anger ! Pain ! And some tears . Didnt know a god forsaken damned woman like Kaq Aishah could leave me this way and especially mean so much ! Okayy i'll xplain later . Okayy so after dat i found Kaq Nina Beloved ' s hideout . Know the playground below housed in a void deck ?? Where there were Kaq Wana kaq Ser Kaq Ina and BR ?? Yeah dats the area . So i took the bus stop nearest to dat void deck and took 241 . Tuhh JP then back home . Witt Kaq Aisyah ! So the tyme lyne goes back to now , my blog post .
Okayy , about Kaq Aishah . Wat i have to say ?? She's such a bitch . I used to be so Obsessed witt her . Then this obsession turned to hatred . Well , she was being too nice and forgiving ! Always leaving me in the lurch ! I mean , hw the fuck did she got to this ??? Always siding witt others , all her lies , her poisonous words , her fake " love " for her little brothers and sisters and whoever the fuck she betrayed ! BETRAYER ! BACKSTABBER ! Youhh whore ! I will be damned before i side with her again ! I feel relieved , at least i got a medicine for dat sickness last week . I dont want to cough blood and risk myself again . Okayy , my post ends here . Till then , Farewell !
Who can where the road goes ?
Where the day flows ....
~.....:: Only time :: .....~
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