Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya Haji!

Hullo muslim friends, and my other readers.

Today i went for my annual Hari Raya Haji prayers.
So you see when we get to the mosque we chant this takbir.
This takbir is very consistent and is in sequence.
The, uhh, priest says the first line.
Then we follow.
Then as a priest leading the prayers he goes with his line.
We the followers of the prayers go with our line.
And so on and so forth.
Because this was very consistent, naturally i felt sleepy.
I started to take long blinks and visualising me sleeping on my bed, so comfortable....
I was in a trance....


Who the...
Okay there's this guy beside me.


He's irritating the crap out of me.
Can't he do the takbir quietly?
What an irritant.
Well anyway, i just got $10 from my mum!
She gave me through the money in the envelope.
Mini-envelope made for money-giving.
Search google images on Hari Raya Money Envelope to get a quick look.
I intend to use it to buy a gift for a special someone.
I bought 3 items.
A card in the shape of an elephant @ $4.20
A small card made for someone special @ $2.90
A cute kitty soft toy @ $10.00
All total up to $17.10.
Now this is worth the cost, i'll not reveal the person i intend to send these gifts to, as she might be reading this blog.
Well yes its a she.
Not a he, i rarely give to Hes.
Those who know who it is, i ask that you keep silent.
But not to worry, i'll tell you guys who that she is once the gifts have been delivered!
So rest assured, the answer is a matter of time ;D
And coin.
Well, i did tell you i just received 10 dollars.
I haven't bought the soft toy and the small card made for someone special.
The money is all with me, though i need a date to get out and fetch the items.
I'm gonna ask for anyone who wanna go out with me this Thursday.
It's tomorrow.
Today is the only day visitors come for my grandmother.
Work resumes tomorrow, so i think they'll all be out.
Well anyway, I'm sorry if this post didnt publish at exactly 9:00 a.m., i mean i reached home at 8:30 and set up the laptop at 8:40.
I set up my Blogger at approximately 8:50, during the time in between i used to update my facebook.
I dont have all day to update this blog, so i'll only update this morning and later at night.
Mmm, there sure is some experience today.
People of all sorts will be arriving.
Half cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews.
Only most of the Half side will be coming.
Because their grandmother lives here.
My original Grandmother and Father are dead.
My original dad's side's Grandmother and father are far near the South of Singapore, while here i am so far from there.
I can't visit them, my sister's runaway incident striked us and their sides hard.
Wanna know what happened?
Well one of my blog posts here have some of that information, you can reach at it through the archives below the mixpod.
So i must prepare for the arrival of my guests, they should be coming in the midday around 12 o clock.
Well, wait for me tonight readers!
I should be blogging around 10 p.m., but if i'm late then you can expect me to start blogging at 11.
Rest assured it wont reach the next day, cause i promised tonight.
If the guests really leave early, i guess i can blog around 9.
But that's the deal, if you're a real faithful reader (i probably have some around the world, somewhere in the Middle East i guess) then i like you.
You probably hated when i stopped blogging without informing you.
Hehe, well i dont have much faithful readers, this is my life, i cant forget that.
So till then, farewell!

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