Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Thank Youhh for Ama Liza aka Lizzy

Wow !

Thank youhh lizzy !
OMG , i wanna thank youhh soo much !
I waited a long time before someone actually said i hate youhh !
Gawwdd , Youhh an idol !
Thanx yeah !

Loves ,
Bitchy Ash - Eredar

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Get some food ! LOOONG post guarenteed ! :D

Okayy so hie .

Todayy as usual ( actually not ) I was checking Kaq Dina and Kaq Nina's blog .
So i was bored dat tyme , as pretty usual ( candid ) .
So i was a bit encouraged to blog , like lmfao .
So i blogged .
And i created this " Mdm Mangkok " 
Cuz it reminds me of someone funny .
Like lmfao ! Rotffl .
Like , hell yah , she's so damn funny .
Just like always i was giggling to myself , .
And then i found a comment by Wannswayy ( not his real name )
And it was so unrealistic .
I mean , guess wat ?
He asked whether i was finding faults with him .
He told me he would make me cry .
So so unrealistic . ( say this quickly , monotonous . )
Omg Im gonna cry !
How many tears ? 
A fucking river god damn it !
Ohh no !
Why ?
Youhh even laugh at urself when youhh get hurt ! 
So ?
Its funny if youhh really DID cried .
How do youhh know if my tears was fake ?
Fake as plastic between diamond . 
Ohh youhh so smart ! 
So ?
Marry me !
Too bad , ure attached .
To wat ?
My bottom .
Ohh .
Kay stop lahh . 
So youhh know , i rarely DO cry ( Change topic btw )
Unless youhh know the other day me and the 6/1 6/2 gurls were crying ,
But dat is another story .
I was even sad ! 
When Dina actually said " ahh , okay . " 
When i asked forgiveness from her .
Wow dat easy .
Not as pie though . 
Or ABC or 123 or fuck with me and youhh get an STD .
So we see , he might be thinking i was really interested .
But nahh , big deal .
He would lose anyway .
So todayy it was really funny .
I was travelling with Kaq Aisyah , 
And then we found ourselves buying books 
And how funny is dat ?
Well not odinary books but school books .
Not odinary school books but Religious school books .
Not odinary Religious books but Andalus Religious Books .
Okayy now we know it !
So after dat we boarded a bus , went home but halfway through my sis says she goin down .
So there we have it .
Hmm dat aint rite .
Ohh yeah i cant blieve this .
I mean , Razwan is like so desperate .
Thinks im going to pick up a fight for every single word i say .
Now dats pretty lame - o .
Yeah i aint wanna post so short so imma talk about these lamers .
So its like omg youhh round rotting bastard running around like a whore !
Hmm dat dosnt sound right . 
Didnt came as bitchy as i tot it would :D 
Well , he did seem round anyway .
Nahh he dosnt .
But LMAO ! 
I cant imagine him being , well , tall and muscular .
Except for the cute relationship he had witt afiqah mistress .
So who cares he's pretty funny , and how i say cute ??
And guess wat ?
I wuz about to write " He's my enemy so why am i sayin these shit ? "
But i stopped , and i reminded myself of Diina First Mistress .
I mean , okayy pardon mistress !
She might read tis shit . 
So i wuz sayin , She wuz pretty , how tuh say , lame , as in . . . .
Okayy , remember dat damn time we were fightin witt this gal called Aini ?
Dat wuz funny huh !
So she was bein a bitch , screamin likka bitch who got a dick in her cunt , like . . . 
" Ehy ! Muke Haiqal ( like tis , like dat , . . . . -.- lame -.- ) "
So i wuz sooo fascinated . 
How lame and wat an easy opponent to find faults with .
And Cant blive it !
Diina Mistress wuz like a bit lame and sayin shit like . . .
" I dun want youhh to tok bad about my enemy " 
I wuz almost like 
" WOW ! Is this like some mexican joke ? An epic story between " good and evil " ?? "
" Where they have Mannoroth and his arch enemy Cenarius battling ! "
Wow . 
Dats a bit fucked up . 
So My young First Mistress thinks all to herself lols .
The enemy belongs to all !
How can she say dat ?
Lols .
And so , its like Mistress wuz so arrogant . 
Or . . . 
Is there a budding romance between Haiqal the Ancient and Diina Mistress of Discipline ? 
Ohh well forget it . 
He's attached to Razlynn Young Lady anywayy .
Ohh well made my fuckin point .
Hmm . . . . .
Is there something amiss with the Dark Lady ? 
I mean , she aint acting right . . .
Like there's somthing amiss .
Ohh btw . . . . . .
The Dark Lady is Nurul Isnina ,
The Three Nathrezim is Nurul Isnina , Izzah Sorfina and Seri Syarianie 
The Royal Lord is Muhd Haiqal ,
The Young Lady is Razlynn ,
The Mistress of Discipline is Iffahdina ,
The Mistress of Torment is Nurul Atiqah ,
The Vile Temptress is Siti Aishah , ( DONT EVER SEARCH THE DICTIONARY ON TEMPTR . !)
The Madame of Peace is Seri Syarianie ,
The Queen of Suffering is Izzah Sorfina ,
The Holy Maiden is Nur Shahira , 
. . . .
And . . . . . .. 
Dats all for todayy ! 

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Interview with some of our various Comedians .

Well , there it is . 

Ohh sorry i was just saying hie .
I feel so enthralled today !
Im bolstered !
This ... is the last irritating post containing Azshara's name .
And the rare bitch's name .
No more her means my will is my own !
Dont youhh like freedom homie ??
So here's the beginning , fool . 
Im just as happy as a bird ! 
Purposely i said bird to make youhh think dirty .
So wash it clean , dutchy mexican . 
And todayy i said to Aishah ,
The Eredar is sick of these games , 
youhh will be mine !
Not sure if dat purple blue bitch knows wat i meant .
When i say youhh will be mine means youhh are gone !
Hhahs , didnt seem right enough . 
Damn youhh we cant have youhh running around breakin bitch's toes !
Its so obvious she's pretending to be a sis .
She just wants people to think she's older than them , 
Not for love for siblings . 
Well , there is no cure for me for what ive become ,
So i'll just enjoy myself being this way ;) tsk ;)
And yeah , honestly , this is wat Kaq thiah says :
Kaq Thiah : Well , she looks like she malas nk layan .
Me : Youhh raite , but hw do youhh explain this ??
Kaq Thiah : She first says hey adek buat perh ??
Me : And hw does dat link ? 
Kaq Thiah : Then nnti dher mls nk layan .
Me : Ohh guess wat dat happens to me somtimes . Glad we interviewed youhh . THX !
So applause later we have a fight going on . 
Its between me and A second Comedian .
Here Goes :
Me : ... Ohh stop sending dat damn virus !
Ama Liza : *keeps her mouth shut*
( Virus comes again )
Me : Damn youhh youhh dare test my patience ??
Ama Liza : Wott ? ( dont ask me wat it means  )
Me : Look , i dont have time for this nonsense .
Ama Liza : Im not ur fren dats the way youhh have been treating me
Me : Dat isnt treatment , woman !
Ama Liza : Then wat is it ?
Me : Im not ur fren dats wat it is 
Ama Liza : Okay so we not frens now 
Me : Look if youhh gt nthg to say then leave !
Ama Liza : I already did .. before youhh sent me dat thing .
Me : Wat tyng ??
( Long bitchy silence )
Me : If youhh have nothing to say then leave ! DONT WASTE MY TYME !!!
So dats wat it happens ! 
Hmm I should keep some of my conversation . 
They are after all bitchy .
So there we have it for todayy . 
Thank youhh for visiting ! ~~

Sunday, December 13, 2009

B-A-D C-H-I-C Lookin so sexy ...

Ohh yeah hie . Okayyy so we have this mother fuckin thing rolling so .. yeah . Okayy i make no sense . So here goes . Today there was this Wedding , celebrating Nek Seer ' s ( damn ! fuck youhh its pronounced as Si - err ) daughter ' s wedding . So there were this tables , and then a buffeyyt . So there were : 

Cik Jannah , 
Wak Nani , 
Kaq Fizah ( AHH !! ) , 
Kaq Fizah tunang ( pemalu ) , 
and then 
Cik P-E , his daughters 
his elder daughteeeer 's tunang . 
Lots but not yet counted everyone there . Then Kepak sini kepak sane , then aft the kepak bing2s , the couple like , duhh went for pics and then on the youhh know those seats on the altar like a pedestal which had a few steps to reach the ..... PELAMIN !! Pelamin , yeah , 
pelamin . Huh sorray  . So i gave my hp to kaq Aisyah who then gave it to Kaq Fizah who then took pictures of thay couple . Huhu pretty ayy ! I wonder if i was the one sitting on half of the pelamin and another woman on the other half ..... nopes ! No dreaming . An irritating and lame person like me ( :P ) wont get to get married or even have actual relationship ( s ) . Okayy we move on . So i went to sit next to my PSP - crazed nephew and niece to see wtf they were doin . Ohh no hell no they were playing their own Psp ( s ) . My nephew was playing WWE while my niece was playing the Ghostbusters game . So there we have it . I 3/4 finished my food , which was Briyani rice topped witt both daging , ayam and fish nuggets witt tomato sauce . I forgot to eat for 2 full days , i was over stressed . ALL BCOS OF DAT BITCHH !!! Damn her my pain . Honestly im not as happy - go - lucky - fairy as youhh thought so long ago . Now i feel 
corrupted ! Anguish ! Anger ! Pain ! And some tears . Didnt know a god forsaken damned woman like Kaq Aishah could leave me this way and especially mean so much ! Okayy i'll xplain later . Okayy so after dat i found Kaq Nina Beloved ' s hideout . Know the playground below housed in a void deck ?? Where there were Kaq Wana kaq Ser Kaq Ina and BR ?? Yeah dats the area . So i took the bus stop nearest to dat void deck and took 241 . Tuhh JP then back home . Witt Kaq Aisyah ! So the tyme lyne goes back to now , my blog post . 
Okayy , about Kaq Aishah . Wat i have to say ?? She's such a bitch . I used to be so Obsessed witt her . Then this obsession turned to hatred . Well , she was being too nice and forgiving ! Always leaving me in the lurch ! I mean , hw the fuck did she got to this ??? Always siding witt others , all her lies , her poisonous words , her fake " love " for her little brothers and sisters and whoever the fuck she betrayed ! BETRAYER ! BACKSTABBER ! Youhh whore ! I will be damned before i side with her again ! I feel relieved , at least i got a medicine for dat sickness last week . I dont want to cough blood and risk myself again . Okayy , my post ends here . Till then , Farewell !

Who can where the road goes ?
Where the day flows ....
~.....:: Only time :: .....~

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another dayy ? As if .

Ohh care , so im writin tis post . Its almost 11 : 00 pm .. Still wide awake ! And so there was me here , who yesterday watched Twilight New Moon witt my crush ( who came first after i did ) , kaq Aishah and our bestest friend and agent to the Eredar . Ohh care i need to tell youhh about this god awful god damned kaq aishah . She's a betrayer , an affront to everytyng the Eredar stand for . Okayy , new contact card .

Description :  A Bitch to the Eredar , she has
been known to traitorously sides with others 
to overcome the Eredar . She is no longer 
considered an Eredar Mistress due to her 
exile pass .
Ranking :  Exiled Mistress

So we carry on ;) tsk ;) Okayy . Ohh i forgot to tell youhh about the Eredar ! I cant tell youhh about it , merely describe it as a group of survivors , but i may tell youhh its members .

Description : Known to have formed the 
Eredar with unwilling members , he has been 
known to hate backstabbers , and is particularly
able to detect any form of backstabbing , a true 
master of the Eredar .
Ranking : Master of Hierarchy 

Description :  A worthy woman of no bounded 
knowledge , she has been known to escape 
places with secrets to be told . Known to every 
rumor and every secret , she now has enough 
knowledge to exact her point of vengeance ,
if only her loose ground does give her no pause .
Ranking : Mistress of Terror

Description : A strong woman with an even 
stronger hold in her ground , she has been 
known to be rarely , or perhaps never , 
defenseless . Extremely promising and rash .
Also known to be nice sometimes .
Ranking : Mistress of Pain

So there lemme continue . So we went to watch Twilight , soon after buying the tickets . So we got into our seats , with me falling asleep and half oblivious to the advertisements on screen . So Fatin woke me up , and then i was like " what ? " . So i woke up and asked her whether she tried to touch me . She said no and then ohh i was like " dont lie .... freaky ass " . So the movie started and there was a hot girl with part of her cleavage open to be seen . And also a hottie in the movie called Edward Cullen was there too . Soon it got epic . Werewolves fighting vampires , and also the vampire family was full of hot guys and especially women . WoOtWoOt ! SEXY ASS bitches . So we went to McDonalds i didnt eat a thing except for ama liza's leftover lettuce with mayo . and finished up the leftover drink . Youhh see , im more adept at eating leftovers rather than eating a whole food . So there we have it , we split ways i went home and they went to Chamelon or smthg . Ohh yeah , i boarded the wrong bus . 198 . im supposed to take 240 but took the wrong line . Huhuu . Okayy so smthg happened . And there we have it , the end of Friday . ;) tsk ;) nice !

A message for youhh Outlanders ;) tsk ;)

I hate resorting to violence .
People who hate me may die .
I also hate Backstabbers and betrayers alike . Ephemera should die .
People who want to be nice and forgiving will be HATED !
Understanding me is the only gateway to your heaven , so please dont judge me
I will place vengeance upon those who JUDGE ME like i am fuckin damn stupid
Youhh have been warned !
So , interested in me ?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Uhhhh HaHaHark

Hahahark . Hiie ppl . Today , 
i mean , this week , 
i had a terrible but NICEEE mood . 
And as always , bitchy ! 
I love myself . 
Im playin bitch witt ppl who play bitch at me !
Aint dat cool ? Like wtf ??
Yo enufffo dat back to the beat . 
So there's me , and this person who asked me for forgiveness - without reason .
Well there is a reason actually . Nahh its not strong enough anywayy .
SOoo , i thought it might be ciiut if i said 
But instead it came out as :
Could i say no ??
And hey hey hey im wats happennen .
I change topic . She really vex me like as if she sex me . Eeeurghh .
Disgusting . Im havin sex witt a centuries old beauty queen ! 
Yeah she's pretty cuz she herself is the Queen Lady Azshara herself . 
Like if youhh havnt notice ive been saying ??
Which litterally means , bitch , : Q-U-E-E-N A-Z-S-H-A-R-A
I wonder why i keep saying her name .
Well to be honest as a human rather than wat ive BECOME ...
She is Aishah , the descendant of Zuraimi !
URRK ! Yeah .
We've established dat now .
So pop dat pop dat jiggle dat fat , 
dont stop gettin it till ur clothes get wet .
Get it ??
Fyne then !
Cn youhh be a sweetie and pass this msg ??
Ohh before youhh answer or say anytyng , THANK YOUHH !
If youhh do this i owe youhh a favor ,
So post it on my tag board to tell me youhh did it .
Okayy the msg : 
To Mistress Azshara aka Aishah Zuraimi ,
Youhh have crossed ur fucken line , hellin bitch .
Youhh changed me into this and youhh shall change me back !
Hell youhh bitch outta ur mind youhh betrayed and backstabbed everyone !
Me , 
Kaq Diina , 
Kaq Nina ,
And everyone !
Bitch ! I hate youhh ! May yo ass fuck youhh youhh bitch !
Remove me of this torment !
Just fuckk off !
I dont want youhh !
Just .... dont make me remember youhh .
Cuz its my problem i hate youhh ,
and its ur fault for all dat happened . 
We must trust tyme to reveal all things .
Now fuck off .
thank youhh !