Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Norhafizah Wedding Day 1

Hey guys .

Okayy , two days before the day before ,
I went to this grand wedding .
It's not just any wedding ,
It's my favorite cousin's wedding !
Okayy , just about favorite .
So it's like ,
I woke up at 5:45 ,
No thanks to my mum .
So my little brother jumps at me on my bed ,
And then i wake up pinching his cheeks .
My mum just woke up ,
So she went to bath first while i entertain the little devil .
So i switched off the light and let him sleep beside me .
It was cold , the air conditioner just switched off .
But this little devil was hyper .
He was like laughing to himself .
So it's like i entertain him till my mum finished bathing ,
Then i let him go off to the hall to find the maid .
So he did , and i went on to bath .
After i finished bathing ,
I dressed myself and then went to use my lappy .
So i used the lappy from 7:00 to 9:00 .
It was quite long ,
But at 8:30 i felt sleepy and went to take a nap in my bedroom .
So i was awoke at 9:00 by my screaming mum .
She was asking me where i placed my pants jeans and all sorts .
I told her i don't know , The maid hid it .
So it's like ...

( Translated )

Me : I don't know ! That maid hid it .
Mum : Darn , why would she hide it ?! Don't talk nonsense with me .
Me : No i'm not .
Mum : Hurry , where's your pants ?
Me : We're going to a wedding right .. ?
Mum : Duhh .
Me : Oh well .
Mum : Try this , and this . See if it fits .

( Tries )

Me : Done .
Mum : Okayy , so that doesn't fit . I'll just ask the maid to iron these . Reckon they'll fit .

So soon , everyone was prepared to go .
We left at 10 a.m. .
So we got to Lakeside MRT Station and met with our aunt .
We called her Wak Nani .
So we used the lift and went up to the train level .
We used the train to land ourselves at Jurong East Station .
So then ,
We boarded the train next to our train .
We were just in time .
So we got to the wedding at Khatib ,
Just about in time .
So it's like ,
We just sat in the house while waiting for the bride to be ready .
Kak Fizah .
So it's like Taqi our little brother was scared of the henna design on her hands and feet .
He was like teasing her ,
And such .
So after she got ready ,
More people started coming ,
Including who i can remember ..
Wak minah ,
Wak Minah Husband Cik Maslan ,
Wak Minah 1st Son Abg Kut ,
Wak Minah 2nd Son Abg Im ,
Wak Nani 2nd Daughter Kak Shikin ,
Wak Nani 1st Daughter Kak Tika ,
Kak Tika Husband Abg Fizal ,
Kak Tika Daughter Naily ,
Cik Nita ,
Cik Nita Husband ,
Cik Nita Daughter Fazira ,
Nek Yam ,
Nek Yam Husband ,
Nek Ju ,
Nek Ju Husband ,
Cik Damri ,
Cik Damri Wife Cik Kamsia ,
Cik Damri Son ,
Cik Piee ,
Cik Piee Wife Cik Ani ,
Cik Piee Daughter Twin Fatimah ,
Cik Piee Daughter Twin Fatimah sister ,
Cik Piee Elder Daughter Kak Mariam ,
Kak Mariam husband ,
And all other people i left out .
Soon , after everything was ready we all just sat in one corner
I had to sit in the kitchen because there wasn't enough space in the living room .
So it's like , we all waited as the groom arrived .
It was to say quite long ,
But the tension added on .
So it's like when the groom arrived with his family side ,
We all were waiting for the " Wakil " , who was gonna be late by half an hour .
So when we heard it ,
We all just went down to the wedding at the void deck .
So it was only me and some other people who went down .
The rest awaited to see the couple get married .
So i went down ,
Got a few " Kuehs " and ate at a table ,
Together with Nek Yam , Ju and their husband and Cik Maslan .
Me and Cik Maslan were discussing about the study of Malay Language .
So after a long while ,
We saw the Wakil come by his car .
He was the very same one who married my mum and step - dad together .
So it's like later on , me and Taqi played at the playground .
Then Daddy arrived .
And My sister .
So it's like after they got married they just took pictures ,
And when i checked back the groom was already without his wedding dress suit.
So soon after we ate and ate.
And then i had to go to the toilet upstairs.
Even if they had one downstairs i wouldn't use it.
I trust a home toilet more.
So after i used the toilet it was already almost 4 p.m..
Then after it got to 4 pm my mom and the family were beginning to eat at a table.
But i already at so haha ;D
Then we discussed who would go home.
Then we came to a decision.
My sister, my maid, me, step-dad and Muttaqi,
Will go home together.
So mom will remain there,
Until everything was ready for the 2nd Day of the Marriage Ceremony, 13th June 2010!
So soon we all went home by taxi,
And Halfway back Taqi wanted to be with mom.
He kept weeping and crying.
So we kept him distracted as went on the expressway.
Then we all got home thoughtfully,
As we awaited the 2nd Day.

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