Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Last hour of Haji Raya

Bye! Come again! Mmmhmm, you take care too!

So i wave the guests out, as they start leaving.
Well anyway, today i fell asleep at 2.
I thought the guests were gonna arrive at 12, then i waited until 1.30, i went to my room, got tired on facebook and ZZZZZZZ!
I woke up hearing a scream!
Yeah I heard a scream from one of the guests's children.
Well they always made noise whenever they arrive.
I heard them at 3.
I fell back asleep and slept all the way till 4.
Then woke up after which i fell asleep again.
Woke back up at 5, where my mum woke me up.
Well i had to give my greetings to my guests, which were only a few.
The rest went home in my slumber.
So i woke up to give greetings and prayers.
Well it was very easy to do those.
But what was hard was my little brother.
Well he wasn't okay with the children.
He wanted to play with them but he couldnt cause he's scared.
Cute, though very stubborn.
He kept pulling my folds.
It was annoying!
But i pitied him.
It wasnt everyday he got to play with his cousins.
Fellow half cousins!
So i followed him to the balcony a.k.a. playing room/ basement.
Yes, we invented names for it.
It's considered a room okay!
So for the guests we had cow lungs, chicken cooked in red sauce (?), fried chicken, rice cooked in tomato sauce, mutton meat, and goat meat.
Oh and pickles too.
So that should be enough i guess, for the stomachs of the guests.
We had aa few in remark.
Uncle Sani and Wife
Uncle Sani elder daughter
Uncle Sani younger daughter
Uncle Maslan and Wife
Aunt Anipa
Daddy's brother and Wife
Daddy's brother's 2 daughters
Daddy's brother's son
Daddy's brother (Lanun) and Wife
Daddy's brother's 3 daughters
So there were quite a lot of people, though the hall still had seats for 7 other families.
Food was half finished, which is quite unusual as the guests dont look that hungry!
So i was thinking, when i was asleep, who made it here?
Who made it out without remembering me?!
No one could!
Mmm, so anyway tomorrow im getting out to fetch the gifts.
At approximately 1230, im going out.
But at 8 in the morning me and my sister will be out jogging.
Hmm, been so long since i jogged.
Well, it was so long that i guess my body wouldnt be able to jog for 3 minutes!
Cause i need to get used to a lifestyle.
But if i cant even jog, i might as well just die on my bed, unable to even die.
So its like now is nighttime, no, its morning already, but it looks like night so damn the morning, its night!
7 in the morning, thats when morning starts!
Assholes, those who came up with that!
So its like now my sister is irritating me, she's being a real asshole.
Hmm what else should i update you?
Mostly what i did today is sleep and eat and entertain guests.
Hmm, so perhaps i'll create a new post later this end of the week, probably sunday, the day before my religious PSLE exams.
I need to get my game face on!
I hadnt really been studying.
Besides, even if i fail, i'll still be promoted.
It's not like i have to repeat or go to a class of low idiots.
I already received my class list.
So there, done and done.
Sorry if this post didnt come at exactly 9,10, or 11.
It came at fucking 1230.

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